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Happy World Breastfeeding Week!
The theme of World Breastfeeding Week 2020 is "Support breastfeeding for a healthier planet". International health agency World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) jointly called for protection and promotion of women's access to skilled breastfeeding counselling - one of an important component of breastfeeding support. While breastfeeding is a natural process, it is not always easy. Mothers need support – both to get started and to sustain breastfeeding. In line with this theme, some mummies share with us snippets of their breastfeeding journey.
Mummy Serene @mrs_serene_lim, mother of 2
Breastfeeding and babies’ sleep are the two most difficult challenges I faced as a mom. I couldn’t latch well for both kids and I couldn’t figure their sleep routines!
J2 celebrated his first birthday recently and that also means I passed my 1year mark of breastfeeding for the second time! *pat pat*
I’m blessed to be able to breastfeed both my kids and my aim is to wean at 3 years old. Why 3? Because J1 (weaned at 2yo) cannot remember she drank from my breasts! I hope J2 will remember if he weans at a later age...!
Mummy Pink @pinkponkpunkpiak, mother of 1
My breast milk yield dropped since my 2nd mastitis!
Now my supply is almost same with her demand. However, still has some balance as she prolongs her sleep sometimes and I try not to let her to drink the milk which is in the fridge for more than 36 hours. So, am using my breast milk to prepare the super nutritious smoothies to quench my thirst. Maybe, this can help boost my milk back!! I don't freeze any breast milk coz I feel it wastes the space of my freezer plus it's not tasty and less nutritious after defrost and heating up.
Nowadays, I will taste my milk every time since I had mastitis for no reason! Doctor said the milk is safe for baby but may taste awful as it is salty. I had thought to stop breastfeeding during mastitis time as the pain was killing me! The pain level is comparable with contraction and made me cried. My whole body was aching, chills and fever until 39 deg C!
The breastfeeding journey is indeed adventurous and blessed at the same time! What makes me proudest is the size of my baby - @sohenya! Look at her length and size. When I hear “wow, your breastmilk works so well”, this really makes me beaming with happiness and not regret my decision for breastfeeding. I hope I can continue until at least she is 6 months. Fighting!!
Mummy Priscilla @mizprissy, mother of 2
I have come to realize that every feeding journey is unique. With Matty, I was still learning the ropes of nursing as a newbie mum and somehow managed to struggle through the learning curve and persisted for two years.
They always say with the second child anything goes, and truly it does. With CEO, we have nursed together everywhere as we travelled. From some random bushes in the Tasmanian outdoors while hiking because he was cold and needed comfort, to multiple car rides during our road trips and noisy izakaya bars where he was the only baby in attendance.
Mummy Shirley @s_forshirley, mother of 2
I didn’t think that I will have the chance to breastfeed again until the arrival of my second princess. I didn’t manage to breastfeed my first princess as I was a full time working mum previously. When I was pregnant with my second baby, I had decided to start the amazing breastfeeding journey so that I can ensure enough nutrition was given to my baby. Also, I was told that breastfeeding helps to build up the immune system of the baby.
It was not easy especially in the first few months as the baby's main food is only milk and I had to pump and latch every 1.5 to 2 hours both day and night. I am glad that I was able to persevere through the most difficult first few months. No matter how tired I was, I ensured that sufficient milk be transferred to her. My daughter is 15 months old now and I have yet to quit my breastfeeding journey with her. As long as I still have the supply, I will continue to feed her my breastmilk.
It is not an easy journey but this is the power of Mother’s Love.
Being a parent is the most important job in the world. So it's important to give parents all the support they need to give their child the best start in life. Breastfeeding is but one of them! Support mums to breastfeed anytime, anywhere!
What is your breastfeeding story?
Are you one of those lucky moms whose babies latch on naturally? Or not as easy as others have shared to be?
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We love to feature Moms and Babies from time to time. Please email any queries or entries to: hello@evoriemoment.com
Enjoy Evorie Moment!
For Further Reading
We also shared The Benefits of Breastfeeding here!
If bottle-feeding, do you know How much milk does your baby need?
And, What milk is best for your baby?
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The things Mommies do for their little ones!